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Friday, June 24, 2011

Game of Thrones

Been busy with ventures outside the job, so with timing and many focuses on my metaphoric plate I have not had the time to blog.  Though deterred by, writer's block, I mean blogging block, I still sign in to try to update once a month.  Like a good US Marine Corp soldier who believes in loyalty and honor, when the chips are down and valor is dead, you still finish the mission and bring the troops home.  That is what loyalty means, when the chips are down and no longer favorable, or in this case deterred, you are still dedicated.  The meaning of honor is that you still uphold the principle(s).  Entertainment and relaxation comes third on my agenda, after a year and a half on waiting for HD televisions to become better and cheaper, I now have a Samsung HD LED LCD 3D and after watching shows like Game of Thrones in HD, I can't go back to regular television.  Game of Thrones first aired in April and I watched the first episode and I think it's very good.  I haven't watched every episode but the ones I have watched, I've liked. It involves conflicts internally and between kingdoms.  Keeping the summary short, because I think when I was posting about the television show skins, I over described in detail.  History already themed that the kingdoms were already in conflict and the Targaryen are now allied with the Dothraki.  I watched up to where Khal Drogo had fallen and burned with the witch and as Daenery walked into the flames to only come unharmed with the three dragon eggs that were put on Khal Drago's side, life for a life was the magic spell.  The Targaryen's enemy is the Kingdom of Winterfell.  The Kingdom of Winterfell have their own problems besides the simplicity of going to war against an external enemy, they are conflicts within.  It would seem betrayal or deserting this Kingdom has a penalty with your head being chopped off, no matter who it is.  Good reminder to stay loyal.