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Friday, July 29, 2011


This is the term I often give myself because that is a fact in behavior, not so much intentional, just built that way. I mostly had a normal upbringing; I was never abused or anything like that.

There are people that blend into society and are against anything out of the norm.  There are those that try so hard to fit into society and fit into the mold that if perfection isn't there, they freak out or ask why and how.  Oh, why me, is God doing this or maybe I should find a four leaf clover. The question is why can't people accept diversity?

People don't get married and that's fine, that's their choice.  People get tattoos and quarters pierced into their tongues and that's fine, it's their choice.  The government allows same sex marriages and that's fine.

My belief is that my beliefs are my beliefs.  I am also open to the beliefs of others and listen even if their beliefs may dawn slightly on the opposition of my beliefs.  I'm going to give examples.  A very controversial topic is homosexuality.  My initial reaction to seeing two men together in a sexual or romantic activity is: no that should not be happening, it's just not right in I'm going to look away.  It's just something the inate reaction built into my head.  It's my right to have this opinion.  However, I don't dislike or criticize gay men.  They have the very right to be who they are.  I would never bash or insult anyone gay.  I have no problem with the activist of their preference advocating for their rights.  The government allowing same sex marriages impose on me in no way, two gay married people is fine by me.  The problem would occur if I mandatory had to change my view in that two men together is against my innate or upbringing sexual beliefs.  I can accept your freedom to be who you are, so my freedom to believe what I believe should also stand even if it's against your beliefs.  Just like the KKK, my belief is that they have the right to hate African Americans.  The KKK have the right to hate me for all they want for being Chinese.  I believe that's their given right to assemble and have their ideas because it's freedom to do so.  I don't believe in racism, but if racism means freedom, then I am fine with it as long as it's not physically imposed on others.  What I mean is that the Ku Klux Klan members can parade around in their hoods and stir racial tension that's fine but anything physical imposed act is breaching on beliefs and freedom.  It's like a homosexual person came up to me and said I had to be gay or I have to think their way and find it to my liking.

Intentionally or unintentionally, people tend to cause a rip on the normal map.  There are those that go against rules or life's guidelines.  It's great that the activist of their kind take bold measures to spread the word so it's not such a shock where diversity isn't accepted or open.