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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Definition (From Google):

A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Our hopes are irrelevant for what is expected to actually happen, or are they? Are hopes tangible? Our hopes are like going to a psychic for a prediction from cards or a globe. It's like acts of divination. Is it realistic? Only if you put action into it. And that is a gamble or decision you cannot control much. Then there are those things that just cannot happen no matter how much you hope.

Hope isn't so much a single point of view: your own. It is a two sided street and it depends. It depends if what you hope for is plausible, controllable or far fetched


Joey has parents who are not wealthy. His mom earns less than minimum wage and father earns just enough to pay the bills. But his parents love Joey and want him to have things. Joey feels this love downward and loves his parents back for their hard work. Joey wants to be like all his, more well off, friends and wants the hottest new toys and game station for Christmas. So Joey is playing every card in the book with his parents to get these gifts, including striving for good grades and volunteering to do the dishes every night. Christmas comes around and Joey is given three different gifts from his parents. Just as you are the third person point of view reader and I the narrator (though I, not part of the story), I will tell you each gift is neither any of the hottest new toys or a gaming station. But Joey has hope. He opens one gift at a time, just the first two and leaves the third until after supper in anticipation of the first two let downs, Joey still has hope, but we both already know Joey is not getting the hottest new toy or the gaming station he anticipates. So what is hope?


Every once in a while, I get a sense of something is going to happen that is good, just a whim sense predicting a possibility. I buy the lotto on those days. One time I got a few of those scratch off tickets and I delay scratching final areas off on the ticket because I am hoping, just maybe if I delay scratching I will get three matching figures.There is always that possibility one day one day I will get all three matching, I hope. But it is possible. So what is hope?


I am not a gambling man by nature but my dad is. My mom was worst, full of superstition and rituals from old beliefs. But isn't that like religion? In Christianity isn't hope part of the belief. So what is hope?